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Ambo Directory : University

Ambo University
No More Registred University Business

Ambo University

Ambo, Ethiopia


(+251) 11-236-3164

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የ Ambo University ተማሪዎች መድረክን ይጎብኙ - ተማሪዎች ወቅታዊ ሁኔታዎችን የሚያወያዩበት ፣ አስተያየቶችን የሚጋሩበት ፣ ጥያቄ የሚጠይቁበት ፣ የዩኒቨርሲቲ እንቅስቃሴዎችን የሚያቅዱበት ወይም ሃሳቦን የሚወያዩበት ቦታ ነው ፡፡ ለሁሉም የ Ambo University ተማሪዎች እና ማህበረሰብ ክፍት ነው ፡፡

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About Ambo University

Ambo University is one of the foremost higher learning institutions with significant contributions in the country's overall development by building the capacity of development agents through short, medium and long term trainings in various fields since its establishment in 1939. After passing through various developmental stages, it has recently become independent with a status of a university organized into five colleges, three institutes and two schools with 38 academic departments.

In addition to the President and the two vice President offices, the University Administrative and Academic sections run by the following  Directors.

  • Director for Gender, Diversity and Inclusive Education
  • Director for Office of the Main Registrar
  • Director for Audit Service
  • Director for University Relations and Alumni Management
  • Director for Institutional Policy and Planning
  • Director for Educational Quality Assurance and Audit
  • Director for Distance and Continuing Education
  • Director for Human Resource Management and Development
  • Director for Information and Communication Technology
  • Director for Procurement and Property Management
  • Director for Students' Service
  • Director for Academic Resource Development and Support
  • Director for Academic Programmes
  • Director for Research, Knowledge and Technology Transfer
  • Director for Income Generating and Development
  • Director for Finance Administration
  • Director for Ethics and Anti-Corruption

The University is presently exercising its full potential than ever before so as to meet its missions and is definitely in a rapid transformation. Its contribution to the country's development through conducting pertinent researches and outreach programs is also of paramount importance. Indeed, the University has a long standing experience in research and extension on viable technologies including poultry, dairy, horticulture, forestry, etc and is playing a significant role in improving the livelihood of local community.

In additon, the university also engages in outreach programs providing training, consultancy and improved technology transfer services to the surrounding urban and rural community for which it has recently received meritorious award from the government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

Currently, the University is effectively running 38 undergraduate programs in various fields and 11 PG programs in  Crop Protection, Plant Pathology, Agronomy, Animal Production, Cooperative Management, Cooperative Accounting, Analytical Chemistry, Enviromental Sciences, Aqua-culture and Fisheries, Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). Now, it is training using more than 800 highly competent local as well as expatriate staff.

Ambo University is one of the fastest growing Ethiopian Universities, currently expanding to four campuses. In addition to the main campus, it has two functional campuses - Woliso Business and Economics and Awaro Technology Campuses and Guder Campus, which is under construction.

Concurrently, the University is developing many new curricula both in undergraduate and graduate programs in areas pertinent to the country's development. Ambo University has immense location advantages mainly related to its proximity to the capital Addis and its excellent climate to attract competent staff to work closely with other institutions by sharing materials as well as human resources.

Mission, Vision, Core values

Vision Statement

Ambo University envisions becoming a renowned University of choice in eastern Africa

Mission Statement

Ambo University is dedicated to serve the Ethiopian society and the world in discovery, development and application of knowledge in wide range of disciplines. The university is committed to maintain and ensure the provision of quality, cost effective, timely and need- based education at undergraduate and graduate levels; engage in research and knowledge transfer; conduct short term trainings and consultancy; and offer community services in a professional and innovative manner so as to address the need of stakeholders.

The Core Values


The University values exemplary and distinguished performance in teaching, learning, research and community services and consultancy.

Diversity, tolerance and equity

The University upholds and educational and work environment in which  all individuals and cultures are celebrated and respected for their unique talents and insights irrespective of ethnicity, gender, religion and physical and mental abilities and ensures justice in all opportunities.

Gender equity

The University is committed to work hard toward achieving gender equity within the University and the society in general.

Honesty and integrity

The University practices honesty and integrity in how it conducts its academic works and models this ideal for students, employees, and the community at large.

Transparency and accountability

The University promotes openness, and functions and upholds answerable to the authority and the public.

Community participation and empowerment

Ambo University actively engages the community in development activities and projects that benefit and enable them to make informed decisions on matters that influence their lives.

Collaboration and partnership

Ambo University is committed to work with other educational institutions, government and non government agencies, industries, businesses and others groups to enhance the services it gives to the public.

Team spirit

Ambo University values a common commitment among its staffs and its students in achieving institutional goals. It promotes working collegially and cooperatively to enrich the work and social environment at the University.

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Ambo University
Ambo, Ethiopia

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Ambo University
Ambo, Ethiopia


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