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Assosa Directory : University

Assosa University
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Assosa University


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About Assosa University

About Assosa University

The governmental higher educational institutions of Ethiopia were very limited some years ago. But nowadays, the Government has given due attention for the expansion of Public higher Learning institutions. As a result, the numbers of Universities are increased to 31. Among these Asossa University is one of them.The University was established in 2011 committed to advance teaching learning activities, need based research and community service. It is located 675 km north west of Addis Ababa at Asossa town which is the capital city of Benishngul Gumuz Regional State. The University started its function with five faculties and seventeen departments by admitting the first batch of 1043, regular students which are assigned to these five Faculties. Namely:- Engineering and Technology ,Natural and Computational Sciences, Agriculture and Natural Resource ,Business and Economics, and Social Sciences and Humanity faculties.

In 2013 Academic year, the University continued its teaching learning process accepting 1084 new students with five faculties and 19 departments. In addition to the regular session the University launched evening and week- end program in three faculties and 11 departments with 447 students.

The University Is also working, focusing on quality education and making research based on the need and problem of the country in general and the region in particular. Beside to this, the university focuses on giving community services in cooperation with different organizations.

Starting from its establishment, the university has been performing different activities on the way of change in a decentralized manner but not reached its optimum level since it is the beginner. So, the university has started practicing Business Reengineering Process(B P R)system to give fast, cost effective and qualified services for its customers and working on this basis to bring change for concerned bodies. Such as,stakeholders,customers and community.

Generally, though the University is in a very young age, it has prepared 3 years strategic plan designed through balanced Score card and started its implementation to achieve the growth and transformation plan of the country and to make our country in line with those Countries who have medium income.

Academic Fields

Engineering and Technology

  1. Information Science
  2. Information Technology
  3. Computer Science
  4. Civil Engineering
  5. Electrical and Computer Engineering
  6. Mechanical Engineering
  7. Constraction Technology Management

Natural and Computational Science Faculty

  1.  Biology
  2. Chemistry
  3. Mathematics
  4. Sport Science
  5. Physics
  6. 6. Geology

Agriculture and Natural Resource Faculty

  1.  Plant Science
  2. Animal Science
  3. Natural Resourse Manegement

Business and Economics Faculty

  1. Economics
  2. Accounting
  3. Management

Social Science and Humanities Faculty

  1.  English
  2. Geography
  3. Civic and Ethical Education
  4. Psycology
  5. Law


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