Explore the mission of the Emergency Committee to Save the Persecuted and Enslaved (ECSPE). We are committed to eradicating oppression and championing human rights on a global scale
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  • Christian Persecution: A Global Crisis Globally, the persecution of #Christians has escalated to alarming proportions, with Asia and Africa emerging as the regions experiencing the most significant impact. This information comes from the World Watch List 2024, compiled by Open Doors, an international #NGO dedicated to aiding #persecuted Christians. Read here https://ecspe.org/christian-persecution-a-global-crisis/
    Christian Persecution: A Global Crisis Globally, the persecution of #Christians has escalated to alarming proportions, with Asia and Africa emerging as the regions experiencing the most significant impact. This information comes from the World Watch List 2024, compiled by Open Doors, an international #NGO dedicated to aiding #persecuted Christians. Read here https://ecspe.org/christian-persecution-a-global-crisis/
    Christian Persecution: A Global Crisis
    Christian persecution is a global crisis. Learn about the alarming levels of mistreatment faced by Christians in Asia and Africa.
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  • #Islamic Militant Attack Leaves 11 Christians Dead in DRC In a horrific act of violence, members of the Allied Democratic Forces (#ADF), an Islamic extremist group, carried out a brutal attack on the #Christian community in Ndimo village, Ituri province, Democratic Republic of Congo (#DRC) on May 13, 2024. Read more https://ecspe.org/islamic-militant-attack-leaves-11-christians-dead-in-drc/
    #Islamic Militant Attack Leaves 11 Christians Dead in DRC In a horrific act of violence, members of the Allied Democratic Forces (#ADF), an Islamic extremist group, carried out a brutal attack on the #Christian community in Ndimo village, Ituri province, Democratic Republic of Congo (#DRC) on May 13, 2024. Read more https://ecspe.org/islamic-militant-attack-leaves-11-christians-dead-in-drc/
    Islamic Militant Attack Leaves 11 Christians Dead in DRC
    Militant Attack Leaves 11 Christians Dead in DRC Village: On May 13, 2024, members of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) extremist group killed 11 Christians, kidnapped several others, and burned houses in Ndimo village, Ituri province, DRC. The brutal attack highlights the ongoing persecution faced by Christian communities in the region.
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  • #Islamic Militant Attack Leaves 11 Christians Dead in DRC In a horrific act of violence, members of the Allied Democratic Forces (#ADF), an Islamic extremist group, carried out a brutal attack on the #Christian community in Ndimo village, Ituri province, Democratic Republic of Congo (#DRC) on May 13, 2024. Read more https://ecspe.org/islamic-militant-attack-leaves-11-christians-dead-in-drc/
    #Islamic Militant Attack Leaves 11 Christians Dead in DRC In a horrific act of violence, members of the Allied Democratic Forces (#ADF), an Islamic extremist group, carried out a brutal attack on the #Christian community in Ndimo village, Ituri province, Democratic Republic of Congo (#DRC) on May 13, 2024. Read more https://ecspe.org/islamic-militant-attack-leaves-11-christians-dead-in-drc/
    Islamic Militant Attack Leaves 11 Christians Dead in DRC
    Militant Attack Leaves 11 Christians Dead in DRC Village: On May 13, 2024, members of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) extremist group killed 11 Christians, kidnapped several others, and burned houses in Ndimo village, Ituri province, DRC. The brutal attack highlights the ongoing persecution faced by Christian communities in the region.
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  • The Forced Conversion of 13-Year-Old Christian Girl Saniya, Followed by Marriage https://ecspe.org/the-forced-conversion-of-13-year-old-christian-girl-saniya-followed-by-marriage/
    The Forced Conversion of 13-Year-Old Christian Girl Saniya, Followed by Marriage https://ecspe.org/the-forced-conversion-of-13-year-old-christian-girl-saniya-followed-by-marriage/
    The Forced Conversion of 13-Year-Old Christian Girl Saniya, Followed by Marriage
    Forced Conversations and Child marriages have become a significant issue in Pakistan. Another Christian girl, Saniya, a 13-year-old, was abducted and converted to Islam in Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
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  • Unveiling Israel's Historical Roots: Dispelling Misconceptions about Palestinian Claims Delve into the intricate origins of Israel and debunk misconceptions surrounding Palestinian claims to the land. As we embark on this journey, let's unravel the rich history spanning over 3,000 years, shedding light on the truth behind Israel's establishment and its rightful place in history. Join us as we challenge false narratives and uncover the real story behind this complex geopolitical landscape. https://ecspe.org/the-historical-origins-of-israel-and-false-claim-of-palestinians-exposed/
    Unveiling Israel's Historical Roots: Dispelling Misconceptions about Palestinian Claims Delve into the intricate origins of Israel and debunk misconceptions surrounding Palestinian claims to the land. As we embark on this journey, let's unravel the rich history spanning over 3,000 years, shedding light on the truth behind Israel's establishment and its rightful place in history. Join us as we challenge false narratives and uncover the real story behind this complex geopolitical landscape. https://ecspe.org/the-historical-origins-of-israel-and-false-claim-of-palestinians-exposed/
    The Historical Origins of Israel: And False Claim of Palestinians Exposed
    Learn about the true history of Israel and its rightful claim to the land. Discover the facts behind the disinformation and false narratives.
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  • Forced Conversion Disturbing reports from Mozambique reveal a dire situation: churches and homes are being burned, and Christians are being coerced into converting, paying a 'jizyah' tax, or facing death in ongoing persecution. https://ecspe.org/burning-of-churches-and-homes-in-mozambique-christians-forced-to-convert-pay-jizyah-or-face-death-in-ongoing-persecution/
    Forced Conversion Disturbing reports from Mozambique reveal a dire situation: churches and homes are being burned, and Christians are being coerced into converting, paying a 'jizyah' tax, or facing death in ongoing persecution. https://ecspe.org/burning-of-churches-and-homes-in-mozambique-christians-forced-to-convert-pay-jizyah-or-face-death-in-ongoing-persecution/
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  • Christian Persecution In Pakistan In a tragic incident highlighting the ongoing challenges faced by religious minorities, a 14-year-old Christian boy was fatally attacked by individuals identified as Muslims in Punjab, Pakistan. https://ecspe.org/christian-persecution-14-year-old-boy-fatally-attacked-by-muslims-in-punjab-pakistan/
    Christian Persecution In Pakistan In a tragic incident highlighting the ongoing challenges faced by religious minorities, a 14-year-old Christian boy was fatally attacked by individuals identified as Muslims in Punjab, Pakistan. https://ecspe.org/christian-persecution-14-year-old-boy-fatally-attacked-by-muslims-in-punjab-pakistan/
    Christian Persecution: 14-Year-Old Boy Fatally Attacked by Muslims in Punjab, Pakistan
    Recent tragedy of Christian Persecution in Mandiala Warraich, where a Muslim youth took the life of Christian teen Sunil Masih, shows the restricted rights and safety issues faced by Christians in Pakistan.
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  • From Captive to Free: German Missionary Priests Released After Year-Long Ordeal A German missionary priest, Father Reverend Hans-Joachim Lohre, who was abducted by Islamic militants in Mali over a year ago, has been successfully released and returned to Germany, according to statements from Catholic and German officials.
    From Captive to Free: German Missionary Priests Released After Year-Long Ordeal A German missionary priest, Father Reverend Hans-Joachim Lohre, who was abducted by Islamic militants in Mali over a year ago, has been successfully released and returned to Germany, according to statements from Catholic and German officials.
    From Captive to Free: German Missionary Priests Released After Year-Long Ordeal
    German missionary priest Father Reverend Hans-Joachim Lohre released by Islamic militants in Mali after a year of captivity. #FatherPeterHans
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  • Israel’s True Identity: The Journey from Jacob to a Nation – Part 3 The ancient Philistines did not rule over a vast empire or territory like other ancient civilizations or kingdoms. Instead, they were concentrated in several city-states along the southern coastal plain of Canaan, part of the eastern Mediterranean region. #Israel #Identity
    Israel’s True Identity: The Journey from Jacob to a Nation – Part 3 The ancient Philistines did not rule over a vast empire or territory like other ancient civilizations or kingdoms. Instead, they were concentrated in several city-states along the southern coastal plain of Canaan, part of the eastern Mediterranean region. #Israel #Identity
    Israel’s True Identity: The Journey from Jacob to a Nation – Part 3
    The origin of the Philistines is a debatable subject among scholars. But generally believed to have been part of the Sea Peoples. These were maritime raiders and settlers who arrived in the eastern Mediterranean in the late Bronze Age around 1200 BC. The Philistines likely migrated to the region from various parts of the Mediterranean, […]
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  • Israel’s True Identity: The Journey from Jacob to a Nation – Part 2
    Israel’s True Identity: The Journey from Jacob to a Nation – Part 2
    Israel's True Identity: The Journey from Jacob to a Nation - Part 2
    The Israelites, lead by Joshua, successfully conquered the Promise Land and formed the land of Israel. Read more in the Book of Joshua.
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