I, Rehanna Khan, working as a Junior Travel Itinerary Researcher at BookMyBooking.com. My prime task is to conduct extensive research about the most loved type of itineraries of travellers in destinations like Dubai. BookMyBooking.com is a travel booking platform that offers high-grade online bookings for tour packages, activity booking and other travel-related services.
  • Junior Travel Itinerary Researcher στο dubai
  • ζει στην 201, M Square Commercial Building, Near Double Tree Hotel, Bur Dubai, Dubai, UAE
  • Από 201, M Square Commercial Building, Near Double Tree Hotel, Bur Dubai, Dubai, UAE
  • σπούδασε dubai στο MBA Schools
    Class of MBA
  • Female
  • μόνος
  • 15/01/1992
  • ακολουθείται από 0 μέλη
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