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Ziway Directory : Contractor

ZAAR Technologies
No More Registred Contractor Business

ZAAR Technologies

No: 34, Rakshan, Block-A, Sengalani Amman St, IIT Colony
P.O. Box: 600100
Ziway, Ethiopia

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About ZAAR Technologies

ZAAR is the world’s one-of-a kind construction app for all the field teams. Our creative software app which connects with your field team and assigns actionable project tasks. It allows stake-holders to identify what each team member is doing, sends reminders of tasks, and updates task status. It allows for both big-picture overview and a comprehensive, detailed view of every project, without needing to be on site. We stand to be the top mobile cloud application software for the industry, leading a revolution in communication with our user-friendly and efficient project management.

The ZAAR construction cloud application system is the software solution to solve the project management challenges in the construction field. This powerful app enables construction firms to be their most efficient, resourceful, dynamic and cost effective, promoting company

Our Construction Management App allows you to create custom automated work flows which enables your team to provide real-time status of assigned tasks, so that your stake-holders are aware of project progress. Instantaneous access to your data and project status allows for faster decision making, which can keep your project on timeline and Our App will help manage daily reporting in real time and much.

Our system can capture all data relating to engineering, transportation, utility, material, blueprints and more. By managing all of your data within one system, you will have easy access to your information. This app enables you to manage all varieties of construction projects, such as Residential, Commercial, Infra-structures, Apartments, Industrial plants 




ZAAR Technologies
Ziway, Ethiopia

ZAAR Technologies Picture ZAAR Technologies Picture


ZAAR Technologies
Ziway, Ethiopia


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